
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

2023 Big 5 Pageants Scores

The Philippines has emerged as the best performing country for the year 2023 in the Big-5 pageants. Big-5 pageants are the five major pageants which include Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss Earth, Miss Supranational and Miss International. "Big Five Pageants" are based on social media appeal, pageant history, its prestige, its advocacy's relevance and number of participating countries or territories. These pageants are the most followed pageants by media and pageant fans.
In 2023, four of the big pageants were held with Miss World scheduling its pageant in March 2024. Considering the results of the mentioned pageants, Philippines had the best results among the 133 countries/territories who participated at least one of those pageants. 
In Miss Supranational 2023 which took place in Poland, Pauline Amelinckx placed 1st runner-up while Nicole Borromeo won 3rd runner-up in Miss International in Tokyo, Japan. Meanwhile at Miss Earth in Vietnam, Yllana Aduana took the title of Miss Earth--Air (equivalent to runner-up) while Michelle Dee who competed at the 72nd edition of Miss Universe entered the Top 10 and won three awards.
Following the Philippines is another powerhouse country Venezuela while Thailand occupied the third position based on our calculation system. And completing the top five for 2023, we have Puerto Rico and United States who place 4th and 5th respectively.

Below are the complete ranking and computations of the Big-5 Pageants.

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